Ok, so, I know it's probably very 5 years ago to create a blog and think you're actually contributing something original to the universe. But, I've been feeling an urge lately to... express myself. And, since I lack the moves or pointy cone boobs of Madonna, I figured this might be a good way to do it.
People have mentioned in the past (and by "people," I mean my mother) that I might have something to say that someone else might find amusing. And since my mother doesn't lie to me, EVER, I can only assume she is right about that. The same way she was right about Santa Claus existing. He does. Do not argue with me on that.
So, hence, this blog experiment.
I named the blog Walnut Groove because I enjoyed Little House on the Prairie as a kid. The TV show. Never read the books. Judge me all you want - strict TV kid, here. Loved the show. Although... seeing episodes now? I do find it a bit darker than I remember. Anyone else notice that? If I have learned one thing from it though, it's this - if someone coughs on the prairie - even ONCE - they'll be dead before the hour is up. FACT. Do not get attached to anyone with a cough. Or a sympathetic animal. It will surely come down with the croup, or rabies, or some other old timey disease and get shot or something like that. But, it's still great.
Oh, TV - you make me so happy. In fact, actually, one of my earliest memories is sitting in front of the black and white TV folding my bologna pieces into triangles while watching The Dinah Shore Show and The Don Ho Show back to back before Afternoon Kindergarten. I was probably one of the few 5 year olds who knew the words to "Tiny Bubbles."
Where was I? Yes - the name - I thought that the name Walnut Groove would be a really cool name for a band. Don't steal it. I still might use it for an all girl 80's cover band someday. (Seriously, don't steal it) But since I don't have the band yet, why not use it now?
Ya know, that Dinah/Don memory, I think, really sums up who I am at heart. All I really want out of life is to sleep in, have a little something to eat, and watch TV. I knew it when I was 5, I know it now. I yam what I yam.
Anyway, this will probably be a smattering of anecdotes, pet peeves, and general ponderings of life. A little train trip through the tracks of my mind which travel every which way but loose. Maybe we'll start fabulous discussions about things like The Don Ho Show!
So, let me know what you think. Unless you hate it. Then, don't be a jerk and tell me. Just don't read it. No one's forcing you, ya jerk.
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